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Welkom fo Naijiria Pijin

Una do o! Wi de wekom una kom di ogbonge ofishal websait of di Ples wie dem fo de Stodi Pijin and Krio Langwej dem we de insaid Binin Siti fo Naijiria


Welcome in English

Greetings! We welcome you to the official website of the Centre for Pidgin and Creole Studies (cpcs) in Benin City, Nigeria.




Over the years, the literature on pidgins and creoles in general have been steadily and slowly rising, and the pace of research in the field of pidgin and creole linguistics has been largely dictated by the interests and pace of the few scholars and researchers in the field. This has largely slowed down the development and production of research materials, and has limited the incidence of theoretical and practical breakthroughs. The few attempts that have so far been made have surprisingly and dramatically led to a better understanding of the languages in recent times.


With the increased rate of ethnolinguistic conflicts in Africa, with the growing incidences of language extinction, and the divisive politics and policies associated with, for instance, English and other local languages in many African communities, it is apparent that with significant investment on facilities, equipment and manpower development in this area of language research, there is bound to be richer progress  - since the centre helps to build a better take-off base in the training of manpower, acquisition of research facilities and equipment, funding projects and publications, developing educational and training materials, and evolving a higher level of research and consultancy in the field of pidgin and creole linguistics.


Thus, the centre for the study of pidgin and creole languages was established in February 2001 as a fulcrum to drive and collaborate work on pidgin and creole languages and cultures especially in Africa.


As a non-governmental and a non-profit initiative, cpcs is intentioned to be a well-equipped resource centre for professional and high level studies in the field of language and society and the politics of languages. The centre is therefore a solid and viable effort at understanding the languages as well as the cultures that support them.





(a) The centre is primarily established to undertake basic and systematic study or survey of the various aspects of the use of pidgin and creole languages in communities, while applying the knowledge gained in general linguistics and other related disciplines to the study.


(a) To provide technical and expert information on all aspects of the structure and use of pidgins and creoles, in order to understand some of the complex forces that act upon the languages and the people who use them.


(c) To serve as a viable engine for producing or providing trained manpower to offer research, educational and consultancy services to all our clients and interested parties.


(d) To publish and document the findings of all researches, undertaken or sponsored by the centre.


(e) To fund and or undertake the development of curricula and educational materials so as to facilitate the study of pidgin and creole languages in schools and institutions or by individuals.


(f) To initiate and influence the direction of research by funding and organising seminars, workshops and conferences each year or as approved by the centre's research committee.





The centre's headquarters is located in Ugbowo, Benin City (Edo State, Nigeria) where the construction of the ultramodern research centre buildings is proposed.


This permanent location of the cpcs heagquatres in Ugbowo, Benin City and its proximity to the University of Benin has two important advantages. First, that its proximity to the university helps to raise and provide technical support for the sustenance and maintenance of the centre objectives. Second, that its location in Benin City places the centre right in the middle of the field. Benin City being a historical and multiethnic community where Nigerian Pidgin has deep roots as the exclusive primary language for interethnic communication. (Esizimetor 2002b).


The closeness of Benin to other Pidgin communities especially to Sapele and Warri where the language is already creolising, and to Lagos and Port Harcourt where the language is increasingly becoming popular as the language of the media, popular music and advertising. This definitely puts the centre right in the midst of things.


From this vantage position of the centre, other parts of the country is easy to access; and indeed, other nations, territories, regions and communities in Africa where a pidgin and/or creole exists. So, studies are easily conducted using the facilities and manpower hosted by the centre.

© 2001-2005 cpcs, last updated april 21, 2005

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